Thursday, December 17, 2009

Order is restored

Having planned the 2010 Stanley Cup route after Toronto's admittedly undeserved win over Ottawa, Toronto - led by Toskala and representing the highest financially valued team - returned to form, shitting the bed 6-3 against the team that can't make a dime.   But hey, Kessel scored, so everything is ok, right?

Meanwhile, Ottawa began 2 months of Spezza free play, taking on the top team in the NE in a 4-pointer, earning Elliott his 2nd shutout on the season.    Perhaps the strangest thing in this game (even moreso that seeing Kovalev try) was regularly seeing three Senators D-men on the ice in 5-on-5 play.  No wait, that's not right.... Campoli was a winger last night. 

Alfie's advice to Campoli:

 “You can turn the puck over a few times and the defence will back you up.” 

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